Day 2a (Continued...)

“Lucky Bastard”

Diary of a Poker Enthusiast/Addict...

Day 2a(Continued...)

Up with the lark and after a bit of pool time, low level sunbathing and a County Ordinance breaking dip “no swimming before zero nine hundred hours Sir” followed a hearty breakfast of granola, fresh fruit, English muffin and coffee...

Long story short, I started the day with 45,450 in chips. Peaked at around the 82,000 mark midsession and well on target for a second day total of between 160-200k. Not quite sure what happened next, but will be able to go into full detail face to face with those who understand the full gamut of poker terminology. The remainder of the day saw my stack dwindle, but I survived Day 2a bagging up a paltry 8,800 chips at the end of session five just before one in the morning.

Down down down, but definitely not out...